Bonjour mes amis,
There's absolutely nothing I can connect that to right now. There was more to the dream I can't remember, though. My Canadian friend, Ryan, was somehow in the mix. I don't remember. Dreams are funny things... it's my third one this week. Kinda odd how you can have no dreams for months, and out of no where have them again. People say that when you stop dreaming it's because you've lost your soul. Does that mean I've found mine?
I'm not particularly religious. I believe in science over faith in these sort of things. But still, one can't help but wonder, because there will always be more questions and science will never have all the answers.
À demain,
Mlle Delphine
I've been having some odd dreams lately too. And I haven't dreamt in quite awhile.
I hardly have dreams, really, but when I do, they often are so surreal that they leave me wondering what the heck was going on.
My mother is quite superstitious, and she says that if you don't tell someone about a "bad" dream, then there's a chance that it may come true. o_O" However, if it is a good dream, keep your mouth shut.
-French Bean
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