Bonjour mes amis,
It seems it's been a long while since I've done any posts truly French related or using the language, and seeing as I need to prepare for the AP test come May, I figured I should start up again. First I must apologize because I only have twenty minutes to finish this post (I'm at school) and because I don't have my dictionary with me and it's been a while since I've reviewed my grammar. I'm planning on increasing my study time after the first trimester ends so I won't have anything to get caught up on or the like.
Aujourd'hui... c'est comme ci comme ca. Pas mal. Mais j'ai un examen pour les maths, et ce n'etait pas bon. Le choeur, aussi, n'etait pas bon. Apres l'ecole aujourd'hui, j'irai a Cub pour robotiques. Nous sommes sacherie nourriture pour l'argent. Je suis desolee, mais je n'ai pas l'accents et je n'ai pas les temps! Mon francais, ce n'est pas bon mais je practiquerai plus souvent. Je n'y manquerai pas.
A demain,
Mlle Delphine
A demain, Delphine! ^.^
-Barb tjhe French Bean
Hi, Katelyn! :D
I found your blog somehow, lol.
Your title should be "tu me manques" if you are saying "I miss you". Or possibly "francais me manque" for "I miss French". We just went over this in class today, oddly enough. xD
Unless you "miss the train" or something. That's a whole other story.
Come take our French Cinema class! My professor has been advertising it adamantly for weeks. He's so silly and old.
I'd love to if you weren't a gazillion hours away and it didn't cost money :P
Thanks for letting me know (: I fixed it.
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